Md. police charge Donald Ray Bennett in murder of 2 missing teens

ELKTON, Md. - Police have charged a Maryland man with the murder of two teenagers who disappeared over the summer.

Police say 30-year-old Donald Ray Bennett of Elkton has been charged with first- and second-degree murder in connection with the disappearance and deaths of 19-year-old Ricardo Eugene Levenberry and 16-year-old Jesse Grant Veasey. Both teens were last seen on Aug. 14 getting into a blue Chevrolet driven by a heavy-set white man. They disappeared on the same road, 18 hours apart from each other, reports CBS Baltimore. Investigators say they believe the driver of the car was Bennett.

Police say they have evidence that links Bennett to the teens' deaths even though their bodies have not been recovered.

Bennett has a lengthy criminal record that includes burglary, weapons possession and reckless endangerment charges. According to CBS Baltimore, he is currently serving a three year jail sentence in connection with a burglary case.


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