For Nassar sex abuse victim, MSU settlement is a "victory" but the fight is far from over

Michigan State University will pay $500 million to settle claims from survivors of the biggest sex assault case in sports history. More than 300 women sued Michigan State for allegedly ignoring complaints about disgraced former doctor, Larry Nassar.

He abused female gymnasts and other athletes for decades, and will be in prison the rest of his life. The details of the settlement are still being finalized, but Michigan State's trustees approved its basic terms on Wednesday. Some survivors feel vindicated by this settlement, but they also insist their fight for justice is far from over, reports CBS News' Dr. Jon LaPook. 

"It feels like a huge victory," said Jeanette Antolin, who was sexually assaulted repeatedly by Larry Nassar when she was a member of Team USA from 1995 to 2000. She was one of the first elite gymnasts to publicly accuse him of abuse during a "60 Minutes" interview last year.

"There's stuff that you just can't take back. The trauma that's been done has been done. A lot -- most of us will live with it for the rest of our lives and no amount of money can change that," Antolin said. 

Parents of Larry Nassar abuse victims share pain, call for accountability

The settlement will cost Michigan State University $500 million -- $425 million will be split among 332 survivors who sued the university and the other $75 million is set aside for victims who may come forward in the future.

MSU kept Nassar on its payroll despite complaints that he abused victims under the guise of providing medical treatment. Recently unearthed video shows Nassar deflecting blame onto his victims during questioning by campus police.

"If you touch someone wrong, they should tell you no," Nassar said.

The MSU settlement raises the stakes for USA Gymnastics, which used Nassar as its team doctor. It also faces lawsuits along with the U.S. Olympic Committee and coaches Bela and Martha Karolyi.

"They should be very afraid of those women getting up and telling their story to a jury, because their story is horrific….And they have been treated like human garbage," attorney John Manly said. He represents 175 survivors. 

Manley says a retired judge will decide how much each survivor will get, but for Jeanette Antolin and others, their fight – at its core – has never been about getting money. It's been about getting to the truth and holding responsible individuals and institutions accountable.


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