Kim Cattrall: I was never friends with "Sex and the City" cast mates

Kim Cattrall is doubling down on her campaign against "Sex and the City." The actress told Piers Morgan that she has "never been friends" with Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis or Cynthia Nixon.

Cattrall quashed all hopes of the return of Samantha Jones during an interview on Britain's ITV. She confirmed that she turned down the chance to appear in a third "Sex and the City" film and will never play Samantha again.

The actress also blamed the show, which ran from 1998 to 2004, as the reason she did not have children. She said she decided not to undergo fertility treatments in part because of the show's demanding schedule and her 19-hour work days.  

Cattrall stirred controversy after a Daily Mail article stated that filming for "Sex and the City 3" was supposed to start this fall but got shelved because Cattrall demanded they produce other movies she had in development or else she wouldn't sign up for the project. Cattrall denied report and posted on Twitter, "The only 'DEMAND' I ever made was that I didn't want to do a 3rd film....& that was back in 2016." 

The actress told ET in January that she was not interested in revisiting the franchise, saying, "I hate to be a spoilsport, but what would the next story be? Whether you liked it or not, the reality is, authentically -- there were not alternative facts here! -- there was backlash. The reality of what [a third movie] would be -- there's nothing concrete. There's no script, there's no idea."

But other "SATC" actors were excited by the prospect of a third movie. 

Parker told Extra on Thursday, "It's over ... we're not doing it. I'm disappointed. We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story. It's not just disappointing that we don't get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie."

Davis echoed Parker's sentiments and wrote on Facebook, "I am sad and disappointed that we won't be able to bring you all the final chapter of SATC. Michael Patrick King wrote a beautiful script, that honored our characters and the entire history of the show. I haven't quite gotten my mind around the fact that Charlotte will not continue on..... But the wonderful part of what we do is that the show and movies will live on. So from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful for the experience of being part of Sex and the City. And to the fans - know that we love you back , FOREVER."

Willie Garson, who played Stanford Blatch on "Sex and the City," clearly took a shot at Cattrall. When a fan responded to Cattrall's tweet, "You know what, Kim? Make as many demands as you want, you've earned it," Garson simply responded, "Huh?" 

Cattrall has spoken before about not having kids. In 2015, she told BBC Radio 4's "Woman's Hour": "I am a parent. I have young actors and actresses that I mentor. I have nieces and nephew that I am very close to, so I think the thing that I find questionable about being childless or child-free [is]: Are you really? There is a way to become a mother in this day and age that doesn't include your name on the child's birth certificate."

She continued and said, "You can express that maternal side of you very, very clearly, very strongly. I guess the word is -- it feels very satisfying."


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