Kellyanne Conway's husband knocks Trump on Twitter

George Conway, the husband of top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, criticized a tweet from President Donald Trump on Monday.

Mr. Trump began the day with a series of tweets criticizing judicial resistance to his proposed travel ban, which would prevent people from entering the U.S. from a number of Muslim-majority countries.

A first version of the travel ban was issued via executive order shortly after Mr. Trump took office, and was quickly struck down in court. The White House then offered up second version of the ban, which excluded Iraq from the list of countries, didn't block Syrian refugees or freeze the overall refugee program. It is currently on hold due to a court order.

In his tweets, Mr. Trump insisted the first version of the ban was better.

"The [Department of Justice] should have stayed with the original Travel Ban, not the watered down, politically correct version they submitted to [the Supreme Court]," Mr. Trump tweeted Monday morning.

George Conway, a lawyer who was until recently in the running to become Mr. Trump's pick to head the Civil Division for the Justice Department, then re-tweeted the president admonishingly.

"These tweets may make some [people] feel better, but the certainly won't help [the Solicitor General] get 5 votes in [the Supreme Court], which is what actually matters. Sad," Conway tweeted.

Later Monday afternoon, Conway added that he still strongly supports the president and his policies.

He went on in a series of tweets to stress, however, that he thinks "tweets on legal matters seriously undermine the admin agenda," and he urged others to to reinforce this point.

The Trump administration has appealed the travel ban to the Supreme Court, which would rule on its constitutionality if it takes up the case. So far, the second version of the travel ban has been argued in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and the 4th Circuit. The 4th Circuit ruled that the ban should continue to be blocked from going into effect. Opponents of the ban have successfully argued so far that Mr. Trump's comments during the campaign make it clear that the purpose of such a ban is in essence discriminatory on religious grounds. 

Interestingly, the White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer had previously argued that the term "travel ban" was inaccurate. Mr. Trump, however, let it be known Monday that he fully embraced the term. 


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