Woman with crude anti-Trump sticker adds new decal to her truck

Owner of anti-Trump truck decal speaks out
Owner of anti-Trump truck decal speaks out

FORT BEND COUNTY, Texas -- A Texas woman who became a viral sensation for displaying a controversial "F*** Trump" sticker on her pickup truck has added a new decal to her collection. 

CBS News affiliate KHOU-TV reports Karen Fonseca made headlines after Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls threatened to arrest her for displaying the anti-Trump sticker. Last week Nehls posted a photo of the truck message on Facebook and threatened Fonseca with a disorderly conduct charge over the decal.

She was subsequently taken into custody on a warrant from 2014, and was later released on bond. 

"I'm almost certain it does have to do with this," she told KHOU-TV. "People abuse the badge, and in my opinion, money talks. When you're in politics, people know how to work the system."  

Fonseca says a new sticker was made following her arrest. It reads in part: "F*** TROY NEHLS AND F*** YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM." 

Woman with crude anti-Trump truck decal arrested for fraud
Woman with crude anti-Trump truck decal arrested for fraud

She placed the slightly smaller decal to the right of the anti-Trump sticker. 

Fonseca's attorney said Monday they are considering filing a civil rights lawsuit against Nehls. 

"I feel we are all entitled to our freedom of speech," Fonseca said during a news conference. "We should stand together and always stand behind what you believe. And that is what it takes to make a change happen."  

"No matter what race, religion, or belief you may have, we are all equal. Not any one of us is any better than anyone else. Everyone's voice should be heard. And I'm just one person," she continued.  

The Fort Bend County district attorney says his office has no plans to file charges over the sticker. 
