New Web tool lets you block all things Kardashian

Kim Kardashian already tried to #BreakTheInternet, and now you can rid her from it completely - if you're so inclined, that is.

A new Web extension called #KardBlock promises to erase all evidence of the reality TV clan from your browser, meaning you can stop keeping up with the Kardashians.

The program, which is currently in beta testing, is described as an AdBlock-type service that will hide content that mentions Kim & co., allowing people to focus on more important issues.

"If there's anything on your newsfeed, the website you're on, whatever... we simply make it disappear," the #KardBlock website states. "You won't ever know the stories about the Kardashians are there, because you won't ever see them."

That'd mean nothing about Kim going blonde and then back to brunette. Nothing about Amy Schumer falling at Kimye's feet at the Time 100 gala, or the "No Kardashian Parking" signs that popped up around Los Angeles. And, while she's technically a Jenner, we imagine this would extend to Kylie and all the fuss over her lips.

But pushing the Kardashians from cyberspace is just the beginning, it seems. The #KardBlock makers are "also working on customization to block content related to Justin Bieber."

Or, you could just not click on those stories. That works too.


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