Judge to rule next week on mistrial in Vanderbilt rape case

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A Tennessee judge will announce next week whether he will grant a mistrial in the case of two Vanderbilt University football players convicted of rape, reports CBS affiliate WTVF.

Former Vanderbilt University football players Brandon Vandenburg (left) and Corey Batey appear in court during their trial on rape charges on Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015, in Nashville, Tennessee. CBS affiliate WTVF

Attorneys for Brandon Vandenburg and Cory Batey, who were convicted in January of raping an unconscious woman in 2013, said juror Todd Easter should have revealed during jury questioning that he was a victim of statutory rape as a teen.

Judge Monte Watkins heard testimony Monday from Easter, who was the jury foreman, and others.

Easter, 31, says as a 16-year-old he had a consensual relationship with a neighbor, Matthew Swift, who was 23 at the time. The relationship ended when Easter told his parents, who he says pursued statutory rape charges against Swift.

The juror's history as a statutory rape victim came to light when Swift, the man convicted of raping him, told local news stations about the case involving Easter.

Prosecutors said Easter's history did not effect the jury's decision.

But Batey's attorney accused Easter of intentionally hiding his past, an accusation he denies.

"I was asked if I considered myself a victim and I said no," Easter testified.


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