Clinton campaign chairman: Sanders "went a long way" to unify Democrats

Clinton campaign chair on push for party unity, DNC email hack

Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, said Tuesday that Bernie Sanders said what he could in his speech the previous night to help calm divisions within the Democratic Party.

"I think that Bernie went a long way to doing that last night when he gave her a full-throated endorsement," Podesta said in an interview with "CBS This Morning."

At the same time, Podesta said that as comedienne Sarah Silverman suggested last night, "We gotta get over it" and "move on to consolidate around Hillary."

Breaking down Bernie Sanders' DNC speech

"Hillary Clinton won the nomination fair and square and tonight is an historic night because we will nominate the first woman to lead a major party ticket in this country," he said.

Delegates will participate in the roll call vote this evening to formally nominate Clinton.

Podesta said that the "Bernie or bust" movement -- whose followers often booed people on stage as the Democratic National Convention kicked off in Philadelphia Monday -- is actually a "very small percentage of his supporters."

Those supporters, he added, will come to the realization that they must support Clinton over Donald Trump.

Asked if the campaign is concerned that Clinton's campaign website could be hacked by the Russians, Podesta said, "We think we have very, very robust defenses," but at the same time, pointed out that even the White House and the State Department have been hacked before.

Podesta again rejected the idea that Clinton's private email server, which she had used as secretary of state had been hacked.

"There was no evidence of it," he said.

The question came in the wake of the FBI investigating a major email hack of internal emails at the DNC, which were leaked over the weekend. Experts as well as Clinton campaign officials believe that Russian hackers are behind the breach.


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