Dickerson: FBI findings contradict many of Clinton's email server claims

Dickerson: Clinton email contradictions leave much for voters to ponder

FBI Director James Comey said on Tuesday that he will not recommend charges for Hillary Clinton in her use of a private email server while secretary of state.

But a lack of charges or criminal wrong-doing doesn't mean that Clinton won't be facing any political fallout.

Why isn't Clinton's "careless" use of email server a crime?

"The Clinton campaign says the matter is resolved, but the FBI director undermined a lot of what Clinton has said about her private server during the campaign," said CBS News Political Director John Dickerson.

For example, Clinton said she didn't send any emails that were classified, but Comey said more than 100 were. Clinton also said her staff was careful, but the FBI said they were "extremely careless."

Dickerson explained there are two qualities to look for in a trusting president: How will they behave when no one is looking? And will they be truthful when everyone is looking?

"Clinton's answers after [the server] was disclosed have not stood the test of examination," said Dickerson. "So on those two fronts, voters will have a lot that has been left unresolved."

To hear what else Dickerson said to say, watch the video above.


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