Jim Gaffigan on not knowing what comes next

Jim Gaffigan on not knowing what comes next
Jim Gaffigan on not knowing what comes next

Last Monday was Memorial Day, the unofficial start to summer.  To some Americans, not only was it the start of Summer, apparently it was the end of the pandemic!  

Revelers celebrate Memorial Day weekend at Osage Beach of the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri
These revelers celebrating the Memorial Day holiday at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri last weekend don't appear to care about disease transmission.  Twitter/Lawler50 via Reuters

Now, most of us would agree we're not through with this yet. But where do we stand? 

Jim Gaffigan. CBS News

Is this the middle? The end of the beginning? Is there gonna be another wave? How many waves? Do I need a surfboard?

We could look to history for hints. The Spanish Flu of 1918, which some scientists think started in Kansas (sorry, Spain!) had waves, the second being the deadliest. I don't know what that information gets us, except for more fear.  

The irony is, not knowing what comes next is what makes life interesting, but still, it would be nice to know where we stand. Like, if you go on vacation (remember vacations?), depending on the length and the destination, you could figure out how to pack for that vacation. 

Of course, this is not a vacation, though whenever we travel back to normal, wherever that is, we're gonna want to be prepared.   

Either way, I should find out if any of my pants still fit.        

See also: 

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Story produced by Sara Kugel. Editor: Chad Cardin. 
