Jenna Bush Hager names baby girl after George H. W. Bush

Jenna Bush Hager and husband Henry welcomed baby girl Poppy Louise Hager, who weighed 7 pounds and 9 ounces, on Thursday. This is the "Today" correspondent's second daughter; her first daughter, Mila, is two years old.

Poppy Louise is a family name; the baby is named after Jenna's grandfather and former President George H.W. Bush, whose nickname was "Poppy."

"We are proud to name her after a man we so adore," Henry told "Today." The family connection doesn't end there: Louise comes from Jenna and Henry's grandmothers' middle names, Louise and Lewis.

Poppy shares her birthday with another "Today" show baby -- Savannah Guthrie's daughter Vale was born on Aug. 13 of last year.

The "Today" team surprised Jenna with a mini baby shower on the show and a phone call from mother and grandmother, Laura Bush and Barbara Bush.

"We're calling in just to give her lots of love, and tell her we can't wait to see that new baby," Laura said.

Mila is reportedly excited as well -- she helped announce the news of Jenna's pregnancy in April.


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