Jeb Bush speaks out about gun laws, GOP race
WEST DES MOINES, Iowa -- Following the shooting at an Oregon community college that left nine people dead, some are calling for stricter gun laws. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told CBS News Wednesday he disagrees.
"Name a case where gun rights being restricted out of Washington would have changed the course of any of those cases," Bush responded. "The bigger problem right now is we have people that are, have growing despair, are isolated from society, that are disconnected from the rest of us, and spiral out of control and then commit these atrocious acts of violence and in many cases commit suicide."
Despite a significant fundraising and organizational advantage, Bush runs fourth or fifth in polls in early voting states and nationally. There's now talk of bringing former President George W. Bush onto the campaign trail to rally Republican support.
"He doesn't need to rescue me," Bush said of his brother. "I am on the path. I am totally confident where we are. I will continue to ask his advice and counsel. But I got to go win this. This is my job."
Bush likes to call himself the tortoise in the race -- slow and steady
"It's a long haul. What happens in October is completely irrelevant," Bush said. "Ask me how it is going in January and I will tell you it is going pretty good."
See more of the interview above.