ISIS leader al-Baghdadi purportedly calls for new attacks in recording

CAIRO -- The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, on Thursday released what it said was a new audio recording of its top leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in which he urged followers in the West to specifically target media outlets and cultural hubs.

"Intensify your strikes, one after the next ... and make the media centers of the infidels and their intellectual battlefields amongst your targets," Baghdadi purportedly said. "Keep up your jihad and blessed operations ... and don't let the crusaders and the apostates enjoy peace and tranquility in their own homes while your brethren endure the bombardment, the killing and destruction."

He also vowed to continue fighting and lavished praise on his jihadis despite their loss of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

Mosul was liberated from ISIS extremists in July after a months-long operation by Iraqi forces, backed by the U.S.-led coalition.

The recording by al-Baghdadi was released by the ISIS-run al-Furqan outlet. The voice in the over 46-minute-long audio sounded much like previous recordings of the reclusive ISIS leader, who has only appeared in public once.

The last previous purported message from al-Baghdadi was released in November, also an audio recording.

The voice in the latest recording also refers to North Korea's nuclear threats against the U.S. and Japan.

Much controversy surrounds the shadowy cleric who has been running ISIS since the terror group emerged from al Qaeda in Iraq.

Russian officials said in June there was a "high probability" that al-Baghdadi had died in a Russian airstrike on the outskirts of the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the extremist group. But U.S. officials later said they believed he was still alive.

U.S. military has no information to confirm al-Baghdadi's death

ISIS has suffered a number of major setbacks in Iraq and Syria in recent months. At the peak of its territorial gains, ISIS controlled about a third of both Syria and Iraq.

"This predicament is a generous gift from God," he told his followers.

In Thursday's recording, al-Baghdadi sought to console his followers over their recent defeats, saying the top priority for Muslims is to "satisfy" God.

"Victory against their enemies and the enemy of God comes next," he said, and lauded what he called his fighters' valiant defense of Mosul.

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He also cited as a sign of continuing effectiveness of the militant group attacks claimed by ISIS in Europe, the United States and elsewhere.

He also called on ISIS followers across the world to continue their jihad and urged Syria's Sunni Muslim majority not to accept the rule of the country's minority Alawites, whose faith is a branch of Shiite Islam.

Syria's government forces, their allies and other forces fighting ISIS, he said, would "not last an hour" without the air cover provided by the Russians and the Americans, he said.


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