Where do Oscar-winning costumes come from?

One business in London has helped dress the casts for a total of 35 best costume design Oscar-winning films.

This year, nearly all the movies nominated for that award got their clothing at the giant warehouse that owner Tim Angel calls "the biggest dress up box in the world," reports CBS News correspondent Charlie D'Agata.

Angels Costumiers is having what one might call a vintage year. It provided costumes for four of the five films nominated for the best costume designs Oscar, including "Into the Woods," a modern twist on fairy tales, and "Maleficent," a darker take on "Sleeping Beauty."

But Angel said "The Grand Budapest Hotel" might have the edge.

"The color of the hotel footman, the way that he looks like everything doesn't fit him, and the old women and the way they're dressed, I think it's very clever," Angel said.

His business started with his great, great, great grandfather, 175 years ago.

"He became a cemetery keeper and he got the idea that when people were burying the husbands, he said to the wives, 'Let me have your husband's clothes. If I sell them, I'll pay you.' That's how it started," Angel said.

He started renting those hand-me-downs to actors and even has original letters from the families who donated, including one from Charles Dickens'.

Much of the clothing is original: dresses from the roaring 20s and 30s and hats and crowns of every description. There are enough military uniforms to raise an army and all the buttons and badges to go with them, even their own armory. End to end, the clothing racks would stretch for almost 9 miles.

A walk through the endless columns of costumes is like a passage through time. There are outfits for a Roman soldier, a king, even Sherlock Holmes. If Hollywood can create the character, they've got them covered.

And what they haven't already got in stock, they'll create. The women who work at Angel's store are not seamstresses; they're makers and cutters gifted with excruciating attention to detail.

They made Cate Blanchett's dress for "Elizabeth."

How clothes hang and the way they fit can be a key part of the character. They made Eddie Redmayne's clothes tighter in certain scenes in 'Theory of Everything' because he looked more frail.

Keeping track of their inventory can be a challenge. The original Obi-Wan Kenobi robe disappeared for 30 years, only to show up in a row of brown cloaks available to rent by the general public.

Hollywood films wouldn't be the same without Angel and his team, but you won't see them on the Oscar's red carpet.

"It's always the people that are the designers or the sound engineers that get the credit for the movies and actually behind all that there are companies like this that go normally unsung," Angel said.
