India blames Pakistan for Kashmir attack, PM Narendra Modi vows "crushing response"

Indian soldiers inspect the site where militants attacked one of their convoys on February 14, 2019, in Pulwama, India. Approximately 45 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel were killed and many others injured when terrorists targeted a convoy with a car bomb at Awantipora in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district. GETTY

Srinagar, India -- India's prime minister warned Friday of a "crushing response" to the suicide bombing of a paramilitary convoy in Indian-controlled Kashmir, an attack killed 41 and is now the deadliest in the divided region's volatile history. Prime Minister Narendra Modi placed the blame for Thursday's bombing squarely on neighboring Pakistan, which India accuses of supporting rebels in Kashmir.

"Our neighboring country thinks such terror attacks can weaken us, but their plans will not materialize," he said, adding that government forces have been "given total freedom" to deal with the militants.

The attack is ratcheting up already hostile tensions between the nuclear-armed neighbors, who both administer parts of the disputed territory but each claim it entirely. Pakistan has denied any involvement and warned India against linking it to the attack, but that hasn't stopped India from taking action.

India's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced Friday that New Delhi was withdrawing the most favored nation trade status given to Pakistan and would take all possible diplomatic steps "to ensure the complete isolation from international community of Pakistan of which incontrovertible evidence is available of having a direct hand in this gruesome terrorist incident."

The U.S. also specifically singled out Pakistan in its statement condemning the attack.

Indian soldiers at the site where militants attacked a convoy, February 14, 2019 in Pulwama, India-controlled Kashmir. GETTY

"The United States calls on Pakistan to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil, whose only goal is to sow chaos, violence, and terror in the region," the statement from the White House press secretary's office said.

It said the attack strengthened U.S. resolve to bolster counterterrorism cooperation with India.

India and Pakistan have fought three wars since gaining independence from Britain in 1947 and regularly exchange fire along their highly militarized border in Kashmir.

Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said the country condemns acts of violence anywhere in the world, and denied any involvement.

"We strongly reject any insinuation by elements in the Indian media and government that seek to link the attack to Pakistan without investigations," it said in a statement.

Rebels, many of whom want Kashmir united with Pakistan, have been fighting Indian control since 1989. But the Muslim-majority region has experienced renewed attacks and repeated public protests in recent years as a new generation of Kashmiri rebels, especially in the southern parts of the region, has challenged New Delhi's rule with a mixture of violence and social media.

In Thursday's attack, a local Kashmiri militant rammed an explosive-laden van into a bus traveling in the paramilitary convoy. In addition to the dead, the attack wounded nearly two dozen other soldiers, India's paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force spokesman Sanjay Sharma said.

Police said the bus was destroyed and at least five other vehicles were damaged. Videos circulated by local news groups showed ambulances rushing to the site and people running as smoke billowed from the damaged vehicles. Debris and body parts littered the road.

The Greater Kashmir newspaper reported that militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility. A pre-recorded video circulated on social media sites showed the purported attacker in combat clothes and surrounded by guns and grenades.

"The blast was so powerful that one cannot recognize whether the vehicle was a bus or a truck. Just pieces of mangled steel remain," Sharma said.

Authorities suspended movement of security convoys in the Kashmir valley for a day on Friday and Home Minister Rajnath Singh arrived in Srinagar to review security situation.

Indian soldiers are ubiquitous in Kashmir and local residents make little secret of their fury toward their presence in the Himalayan region.

Most Kashmiris support the rebels' demand that the territory be united either under Pakistani rule or as an independent country, while also participating in civilian street protests against Indian control.

Since 1989, about 70,000 people have been killed in the uprising and the ensuing Indian crackdown. Last year's death toll was the highest since 2009, with at least 260 militants, 160 civilians and 150 government forces killed.

A similar attack to Friday's happened in Indian-controlled Kashmir's border area with Pakistan in September 2016, leaving about 19 soldiers dead. CBS News' Arshad Zargar says 10 days after that attack, India claimed it had carried out a "surgical strike" in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, targeting terrorist training camps and killing 38 people. Pakistan rejected the claim. 

By "surgical strike" India means a small number of its forces crossed the border into Pakistan to conduct a surprise attack and then returned quickly.


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