How the 2020 Democratic candidates reacted to Trump being impeached

Trump predicts impeachment will hurt Democrats in 2020

President Trump, now the third U.S. president to be impeached, isn't expected to be removed from office, and the candidates vying to replace him have largely avoided bringing up impeachment on the campaign trial. But almost all of them have weighed in since he was impeached.

They're also sure to be asked about it during the sixth debate tonight.

Elizabeth Warren used the opportunity to fundraise.

"It's important to remember that Trump is just the worst symptom — not the cause — of a rigged, corrupt system. A system that rewards the rich and powerful and leaves working people behind. 2020 is our chance to change that," an email to her supporters read.

Andrew Yang also pivoted from impeachment to his platform.

"Watching impeachment unfold is like watching a game when you know the final score," he tweeted. "If the media spent a fraction of the time they are spending on impeachment on the economic dislocations that got Trump elected we would be a stronger country for it."

Crews setting up for the December 19 debate in Los Angeles watch as the House votes to impeach President Trump. Getty Images

Others expressed sadness, including Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, who is a central figure in the impeachment.

"This is a solemn moment for our country. But in the United States of America, no one is above the law — not even the President," he tweeted.

Billionaire Tom Steyer reminded Americans that he launched an effort to impeach the president years ago.

"Now, the 8.4 million Americans that signed our petition have had their voices heard," he said in a statement. 

Mike Bloomberg, the other billionaire in the race, issued a warning to voters.

"If Donald Trump wins re-election, he will make extorting a foreign head of state for campaign purposes look like child's play. 2020 is not just an election. It's a referendum on whether to save our Constitution — or let Trump light it on fire," he said.

Only one 2020 candidate had the opportunity to vote on the president's impeachment, and she made the decision not to weigh in on either side.

"After doing my due diligence in reviewing the 658-page impeachment report, I came to the conclusion that I could not in good conscience vote either yes or no. I am standing in the center and have decided to vote present," said Tulsi Gabbard, who isn't running for reelection to Congress.

She was the only member of the House who voted this way, but she won't face scrutiny over her decision during the debate because she didn't qualify for it. 

The debate will feature seven candidates, which is the smallest number in this election cycle so far. 

Pete Buttigieg is the only Democrat appearing on stage tonight who has yet to react to the news. 


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