Heat wave and unhealthy air from wildfires hurt businesses trying to survive pandemic

Businesses struggling amid the coronavirus pandemic are facing yet another hit due to a heat wave, unhealthy air and even ash. Raging wildfires have sent a thick, heavy layer of smoke across the San Francisco area, CBS SF Bay Area reports.

Randy Musterer says he canceled outdoor dinner service at his restaurant, Sushi Confidential, after a poor lunch service Wednesday.

"It was just extremely smoky," Musterer said. "We had maybe two tables all lunchtime, you know, most people didn't even want to come out. And we figured we're not going to have any dinner dining tonight."

At Santana Row, a residential and commercial district in San Jose, a slight breeze began to move smoke away from the outdoor mall Wednesday evening, but by then it was too late for the early dinner rush and vendors at the farmer's market. 

Samuel Escareno, who works at the market, said there is normally a line to buy peaches. But the smoke, he said, appeared to keep people away. 

Erick Bajaras of Kashiwase Farms agreed. He was afraid he'd return home with fewer empty boxes of fruit than usual. 

Jack Broadbent, CEO of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, said in a press release that everyone should be concerned with their respiratory health during the pandemic and try to avoid the unhealthy air. 

Spare the Air, which alerts residents about unhealthy air quality, has issued an alert for Thursday through Sunday in the San Francisco Bay Area, saying smoke from wildfires is expected to lead to unhealthy air quality during those days.  

"Weekends are a big deal to us and that's where we can try to bring in whatever we lost during the week," said Musterer. "So not being able to have outdoor dining, because that's one of our main revenue sources, that's going to be tough."

Wildfires are raging through parts of Northern California, threatening thousands of homes. The fires, many caused by lightning and sometimes pushed by strong winds, have burned hundreds of thousands of acres and carved their way through wine country and the Sierra Nevada.


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