Massive "Game of Thrones" star reveals his terrifyingly huge diet

Want to be as big as The Mountain? Get ready to eat a lot.

Icelandic strongman Hafþor Björnsson, who plays The Mountain on "Game of Thrones," is training for the World's Strongest Man 2016 competition, which involves quite a lot of food intake. To illustrate just how much, he took to Facebook and Instagram to post what he eats each day, along with some of his workouts -- and "daunting" doesn't even begin to describe it.

After a light workout and some almonds and amino acids, the bodybuilder has a light breakfast that includes eight eggs, oats, berries and an avocado -- which keeps him satisfied until his next meal two hours later, consisting of beef, sweet potatoes and spinach.

People been asking me a lot about my diet and what I eat! Here's my diet plan for my preparation for World's Strongest Man 2016! Yes this is a lot & I don't recommend YOU to try this!! 6:50 Morning workout! Cardio + CORE for 30min Bcaa, Glutamine + handful of almonds 7:30 8 eggs + 200gr Oats + blueberries & strawberries + avocado 9:30 400gr Beef, 400gr Sweet potatoes, handful of spinach & greens 11:50 Bcaa, glutamine, 12:00 400gr Chicken + 400gr potatoes, greens + some fruits 14:00 Blender = 150gr oats or sweet potatoes, 2 bananas150gr kelloggs rice krispies, frozen berries, handful almonds, peanut butter and glutamine 14:30 Training strongman, Bcca, glutamine, Vitargo 17:30 60gr protein + 2 banans 18:00 500gr beef + potatoes, greens 20:30 500gr salmon + 500gr sweet potatoes 22:30 50gr casein protein or 6 eggs + avacado + 30gr almonds + 50gr peanut butter Drink a lot of water throughout the day + Juices to get more calories!! middle of the night 50gr casaine protein or raw eggs

A photo posted by Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (@thorbjornsson) on

It's fairly reminiscent of the cod-heavy diet Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson revealed in 2015.

The only question remaining, really, is what does this massive human being consider "a handful" of something?
