Ex-boyfriend arrested in Mass. teen's stabbing death

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - Police say a high school senior was stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend in her western Massachusetts home on Wednesday afternoon, reports CBS affiliate WSHM.

Kathryn Mauke (2nd from right), with fellow students who attended the 74th Model Congress in Springfield, Mass., in January 2014 CBS affiliate WSHM

Nickolas T. Lacrosse, 20, is charged with killing 17-year-old Kathryn Mauke of Springfield. The station reports that last month Mauke won the 75th Model Congress at American International College and was awarded a full four-year tuition scholarship to the school.

According to WSHM, detectives found no signs of forced entry into Mauke's home.

At about 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, just hours after Mauke's body was found, police reportedly arrived at Lacrosse's residence to speak with him and he subsequently accompanied the detectives to police headquarters. After further questioning, Lacrosse was charged with murder.


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