Who was the "King of Whoppers" on the campaign trail?

Where politics are concerned, there's always going to be the truth to stretch. But as CBS News correspondent Jan Crawford reports, this year was something special, and in presidential politics, the whoppers can be legendary.

On Jan 26, 1998, President Bill Clinton infamously said in regards to his Monica Lewinsky affair allegations: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

"Cuz people have gotta know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I am not a crook," President Richard Nixon said on November 17, 1973.

But in this year's presidential campaign, the fact checkers say one candidate has achieved truth-bending royalty.

"This is the first time we have named someone the 'King of Whoppers,'" Eugene Kiely of FactCheck.org said.

Donald Trump earned that crown with the biggest whopper of 2015:

Trump on Muslim 9/11 celebrations: "I saw them, I was there"
Trump on Muslim 9/11 celebrations: "I saw them, I was there"

"I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down," he said in a Birmingham, Alabama, rally in November 21.

The fact checkers found evidence of just a few people celebrating. But that wasn't the only tall Trump tale of the year.

"He's certainly keeping us busy... It is the worst that we have seen in the 12 years we have been doing this," Kiely said.

"You know, the president's thinking about signing an executive order where he wants to take your guns away," Trump said at a South Carolina rally on October 19.

Then in New Hampshire, on September 30: "You know, it started off with 10,000. The other day I heard 200,000. We are going to take in 200,000 Syrians or wherever they come from," Trump said.

"It's just way over what the actual number is," Kiely explains.

But in 2015, Trump didn't have a whopper monopoly. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton had her share, most notably in her attempts to explain why she had a private email server.

Hillary Clinton changes tune on email controversy

"I saw it as a matter of convenience, and it was allowed. Others had done it," Clinton said at a presser on March 10.

"None of them had a private server though," Kiely pointed out.

"That was a mistake. I'm sorry about that. I take responsibility," Clinton admitted on September 8.

And then she told a whopper about the King of Whoppers.

"He is becoming ISIS' best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists," Clinton said during a Democratic Party debate on December 19.

Trump wasn't alone in calling that false -- so did the fact checkers.

Republican contender Sen. Ted Cruz got dinged for dissing fellow candidate Marco Rubio on immigration.

"One of the most troubling aspects of the Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight bill was that it gave President Obama blanket authority to admit refugees, including Syrian refugees," Cruz said during the GOP debate on December 15.

"That's just simply not true," Kiely said.

With so many candidates, 2015 has kept fact checkers working around the clock to pin down the truth.

"It's important for voters. They want to know the facts," Kiely said.

And the primaries haven't even started. The general election still is nearly a year away. So if history's any guide, 2016 may be an even bigger year for the fact checkers.
