Donald Trump's first TV ad hits the airwaves

Donald Trump's first television ad begins airing Tuesday in the key early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire, less than a month before voting kicks off.

The GOP presidential contender, who has been running neck and neck with Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in Iowa, unveiled the 30-second spot on Monday.

In the ad, he says he will "make America great again" by calling for a temporary shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S., cutting off the head of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and by building a wall along the border with Mexico to stop illegal immigration.

Trump said he is planning to spend at least $2 million a week on advertising, spending $1.1 million on TV ads in Iowa and nearly $1 million in New Hampshire.

At the largest station in New Hampshire, ABC affiliate WMUR, the most expensive Trump ad cost $4,000 for a 30-second spot during the primetime shows "Modern Family" and "Blackish." Trump also bought time during the NFL Wild Card Game on Jan. 9 for $2,500 and on "The Bachelor" for $2,400.

Trump's campaign will also air a new radio ad this week in South Carolina.

The ad buys come less than a month before the primary voting begins with the Feb. 1 caucuses in Iowa and the New Hampshire primary on Feb. 9.

CBS News' Steve Chaggaris contributed to this story.


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