Trump targets Clinton on immigration in first general election TV ad

Donald Trump is out Friday with his first general election television ad -- a 30-second spot that targets Hillary Clinton’s immigration policies and  touts the Republican nominee’s own vision to make “America safe again.”

“In Hillary Clinton’s America, the system stays rigged against Americans,” a narrator says over ominous music and a darkly lit montage of refugee camps and police apprehending border crossers. “Syrian refugees flood in. Illegal immigrants convicted of crimes get to stay, collecting social security benefits, skipping the line. Our border open.”

“It’s more of the same,” the voice adds. “But worse.”

In contrast, the ad presents Trump’s America as “safe,” promising a bright future as the music swells hopefully in the background.

“Donald Trump’s America is secure. Terrorists and dangerous criminals: kept out. The border: secure. Our families: safe,” the spot says. “Change that makes America safe again.”

Watch it in full here:

Two Americas: Immigration by Team Trump on YouTube

The ad is set to air in key battleground states, part of a buy totalling $4 million. It will be the first chunk of money Trump is spending on television ads in the general election, compared to Clinton, whose campaign has spent at least $60 million to air ads against the GOP nominee.

Clinton’s campaign gave a swift response to Trump’s televised attack, calling to mind the billionaire’s recent speech in North Carolina where he expressed “regret” for some of his bombastic rhetoric.

Press secretary for the Clinton campaign Brian Fallon sent this tweet out early Friday morning:

Trump’s half-minute spot will run in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania -- states where Trump’s poll numbers are lagging behind Clinton’s --  through Aug. 29. 


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