Donald Trump: My VP won't be like me

Republican front-runner Donald Trump has appealed to voters with his status as a political outsider, but he said on Tuesday hat if he wins the GOP nomination, he'll pick a running mate with political experience.

"I want to have somebody that can deal with Congress, that gets along with Congress, that's a Washington person," Trump said during televised town hall hosted by CNN.

"I'm a business guy. We're going to make great deals on trade... We're going to rebuild our military. We're going to take care of health care. I'm going to do so well with so many different things," he explained. "But I do want -- you don't need two like me."

The billionaire businessman would not name any potential running mates, but he said, "I do have people in mind. I have a lot of people that -- look, I've been dealing in politics all my life. I know most of these politicians... I have a lot of respect for a lot of the politicians, but I would certainly want that to be a political position."

Asked about some of his former and current opponents in the GOP primary -- such as Marco Rubio, John Kasich, or Scott Walker -- Trump said they couldn't serve as his vice president.

"Here's the problem. I've beaten them very, very harshly," he said. "I like them as people. I like them as people. Now, could they be involved in some form in the government? Yeah, absolutely I think they could. I don't necessarily think for a vice president."

Trump was joined by his children and his wife on the town hall stage, and his children effusively praised the front-runner for his leadership and his skills as a businessman and father.

His daughters addressed the fact that Trump has been criticized for his sexist remarks. Ivanka Trump said she's witnessed "increbile female role models" that her father has employed at the highest levels.

"It's a testament that he believes in inspiring women, in empowering women," she said. "For me, his actions speak louder than the words of many politicans who speak about gender equality."


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