Democrats launch literal scavenger hunt for GOP Obamacare repeal bill

Sen. Rand Paul denied access to House GOP health bill

Democrats launched a scavenger hunt on Capitol Hill Thursday in search of an Obamacare repeal-and-replace plan that’s been crafted by House Republicans, which is being kept in a locked room.

In an exchange with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-California, on the House floor, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, asked where the draft legislation is being held. McCarthy wouldn’t say, and so then Hoyer decided to go on a physical search for the bill, with several other House Democrats following his lead.

Before Hoyer arrived to the room that reportedly held the bill -- H-157 -- Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, tried to enter the room, which was guarded by a Capitol Hill officer, and he was denied entry. He then told reporters staking out the room that many of the proposals are “Democrat ideas wrapped up in Republican clothing” and he demanded that the legislation be debated openly and in public.

Earlier in the day, Paul posted a series of tweets about the secrecy behind the measure.

Hoyer, meanwhile, had poked his head into some rooms before eventually making it to H-157 where he thought the bill was being held. Eventually, Hoyer was allowed into the room, trailed by reporters, only to find that nothing was in there. Hoyer’s office believes the bill was originally there and then moved once its location leaked.

Hoyer posted a Facebook live video of the hunt.

I'm looking for the House GOP's secret ACA repeal bill since they are hiding it from Members and the public

Posted by Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer on Thursday, March 2, 2017

He was even spotted gesturing at a bust of President Lincoln, saying that he is as disappointed in Lincoln’s party as he would be, a Hoyer aide said.

Rep. Frank Pallone, D-New Jersey, was among the Democrats searching for the bill. He was seen entering McCarthy’s office at one point to see if it was in there.


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