Cops: Person of interest met missing Wash. mom online

PIERCE COUNTY, Wash. -- Police in Washington have served a warrant at the home of a person of interest in the disappearance of a missing mother, reports CBS affiliate KIRO.

Nicole White, 28, was last seen early Saturday morning talking to a man in the parking lot of a bar in Spanaway, south of Tacoma.

Pierce County Sheriff's Department officials tell KIRO the person of interest is someone the mother of two met online.

Her car was found on a remote road seven miles away with the keys in the ignition, reports the station. Investigators say they believe she was the victim of foul play.

According to investigators, bloodhounds used in the massive search for her earlier gave them signals that her scent may have been found in a wooded area near her car.

Family tells the station she would never leave her two young sons.


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