Cops: 2 shootings amid Super Bowl celebration in Seattle

SEATTLE - Seattle police say they're investigating two shootings that came amid widespread celebrations over the Seahawks' Super Bowl win.

Department spokesman Mark Jamieson says the separate incidents occurred just before 12 a.m. Monday near the Pioneer Square neighborhood and left two victims hospitalized with non-life-threatening wounds.

The motives for the shootings remained unclear.

The suspect in the first shooting was apprehended when officers in the area heard the shots and saw him running. No one has been arrested in the other shooting.

Jamieson says that for most of Sunday night the crowd was in a celebratory mood, but later on it turned ugly, with people hurling bottles at police and breaking windows. CBS affiliate KIRO reports a fire was started in Pioneer Square in the midst of the celebration.

Officers in riot gear eventually dispersed the crowd using flash-bang grenades and pepper spray, according to the station.


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