Cirque du Soleil "Luzia" show worker dies in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO - An employee with the Cirque du Soleil “Luzia” show died after being injured Tuesday night in what was termed an “industrial accident,” San Francisco police said.

Officer Carlos Manfredi confirmed the death, and Cirque du Soleil said in a later statement that the fatal injury occurred during the “pre-set of the show.”

Police responded to the area near AT&T Park after receiving a report of an “industrial accident” at the Cirque du Soleil “Luzia” tent, officer Grace Gatpandan said. The employee died at a hospital.

“It is with immense sadness that we report a fatal accident,” Cirque du Soleil said in the news release. “One of our employees, a technician on the show, was struck by a lift and passed away from his injuries.”

The company did not release the employee’s name or provided any other details of the incident or how it occurred.

Police said officers with San Francisco Police Department Traffic Collision Investigation Unit and investigators with the state’s workplace safety regulator, Cal/OSHA, were investigating.

The Tuesday night show was canceled.
