Calendar: Week of July 17

Calendar: Week of July 17

Here's a look at the week ahead on our "Sunday Morning" Calendar:

Monday is World Emoji Day, a celebration of all those little symbols cellphone users can't seem to do without. 

Tuesday marks the 99th anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president, who died in December 2013 .

On Wednesday, Forbes releases its annual list of America's largest private companies. Cargill was number one last year, followed by Koch Industries.

Thursday is opening day for Comic-Con International in San Diego, the world's largest gathering of comic book, movie and TV enthusiasts.

Friday is Mars Day at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, a celebration of the Red Planet featuring a series of educational activities.

And Saturday sees the 4th annual NYC Bodypainting Day in New York's Greenwich Village which, organizers say, celebrates artistic expression, body acceptance, and human connection.


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