Bruce Springsteen writes school tardy note for young fan

CLAREMONT, Calif. -- As reasons for being late to school go, this young Bruce Springsteen fan may have the best excuse yet.

Lifelong Bruce Springsteen fan Scott Glovsky passed down his love for the Boss to his 9-year-old son Xabi, CBS Los Angeles reported.

"Been singing Bruce songs while Xabi goes to sleep ever since he was born," said Scott to CBS Los Angeles.

As a result, they couldn't wait to see Springsteen in concert at the LA Sports Arena on Tuesday night. Scott knew it was a school night and that Xabi would be out past his bedtime. So they went prepared with a giant sign.

The sign read: "Bruce, I will be late for school tomorrow. Will you sign my note?"

After three and a half hours of rocking on stage, the Boss apparently saw Xabi's sign. Springsteen later asked security to bring Scott and Xabi backstage for a private meeting in his dressing room.

"Well, I was a little dumbfounded. My brain just wasn't working right. He said I heard you need a note for your teacher. I think I can help you with that," recalled Xabi.

After asking for his teacher's name, Springsteen pulled out a pen and paper.

"Ms. Jackson, Xabi has been out late rocking and rolling. Please excuse him if he's tardy," the note read.

Note Bruce Springsteen wrote for Xabi. CBS Los Angeles

"I didn't think that he'd ever actually do it! I was thinking it was awesome," said Xabi.

"It was incredibly touching ... Bruce's kindness and generosity and gift that he gave to my son," said Scott.

Xabi came home from the concert not only with a cool note and awesome poster, but the Boss also autographed a picture Scott took at a concert in 1984.

"The biggest thought that comes to mind was, man, that was awesome and I wish every day could be like that," said Xabi.

Xabi and his dad pose for a photo at the Bruce Springsteen concert. CBS Los Angeles

"It's really wonderful when you get a chance to meet your idol and your idol lives up to all of your expectations," said Scott.

As for Ms. Jackson, did she accept the note?

"Yeah, totally!" said Xabi.


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