Report: 3 trials ordered in Utah teacher sex case

FARMINGTON, Utah -- Brianne Altice, a former Utah high school English teacher, will face three separate trials over allegations she had sex with three male students, reports the Salt Lake Tribune.

Altice, 35, will also stand trial a fourth time to face additional charges alleging she had sex with one of the students while she was out on bail, reports the paper. Prosecutors say Altice had sex with a 17-year-old boy between November 2013 and August 2014. The incident allegedly happened while she was out on bail in the initial sex abuse case involving two students, reports the paper.

A judge revoked her bail in January when he learned of the third alleged incident.

One of the teen boys testified during a hearing last year that he was Altice's student when the two allegedly had sex at her home in Farmington, about 15 miles north of Salt Lake City.

She's facing a total of 14 felony charges, reports the paper.

Defense attorney Ed Brass reportedly asked for the cases of the three teens to be tried separately, arguing that trying the three together would be prejudicial to Altice.

She's due in court again April 9.


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