Body cameras capture Georgia officers' act of kindness for girl's first birthday

Police officers surprise young girl on her birthday

Two police officers in Georgia are teaching a lesson in kindness. It was a simple act and we would never have known about it if they hadn't been wearing body cameras.

Everyone's first birthday is important, but this one, for this little girl, was really special. It started a little earlier in the evening when her mom was walking home, and two Gwinnett County police officers pulled up.

Bodycam footage captured Sergeant Nick Boney and Officer Jimmy Wilson's conversation with the unnamed woman.

"How you doing ma'am? Where you trying to get to?" Boney is heard in the video, asking the woman who was walking on the sidewalk.

"Today is my daughter's birthday," she said. "She turned 1."

It was then when Boney gave his credit card to the mother so she could buy a birthday cake with a candle. The officers ended up giving the woman a ride home and gave the woman's daughter a hug and gave her birthday wishes.

The event happened in January. The kind act wasn't revealed until a routine audit of bodycam footage.

"I don't think it has anything to do in general with being a police officer," Boney told CBS News. "I think a lot of people do that every day. It just doesn't get seen."

The little girl will likely have many more happy birthdays, with many more gifts. But for her mother, this single act of kindness just might be the best.


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