Black faculty portraits defaced at Harvard Law

BOSTON -- Harvard Law School is reporting that portraits of black faculty members have been defaced.

Several portraits were discovered Thursday with black strips of tape placed diagonally over the faces of black faculty. The portraits were on the first floor of Wasserstein Hall, which houses two hallways with more than 180 framed portraits of law professors.

About six portraits were discovered with tape on their glass frames.

The tape has since been removed.

Harvard officials said they don't know if there's a connection between the vandalism and a Wednesday rally on campus supporting black students across the country.

If connected to the rally, it will be the latest in a string of incidents at universities nationwide that have opened a new discussion about race and academia.

Harvard University Police are investigating the incident but declined to comment.

The school's dean scheduled a community meeting Thursday in response to the discovery of the defaced portraits.


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