Bill Clinton to begin campaigning in Iowa this week

President Bill Clinton will campaign for Hillary Clinton in Iowa on Thursday, the Clinton campaign announced.

"On his first Iowa swing of the new year, President Clinton will discuss why Hillary Clinton is the Democrat who has what it takes to get the job done and make a real difference for Iowa families by making our economy work for everyone and keeping families safe," the campaign said in a statement.

The former president's two campaign stops on Thursday will be held in Cedar Rapids and Dubuque. He also appeared at a rally for his wife in Iowa in October where pop singer Katy Perry also performed.

The organizing events will come only days after President Clinton stumped for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, where she has been lagging behind rival Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, in a number of surveys since the summer.

Speaking to primary voters Monday, he praised his wife's record and declined to engage with GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, who has been criticizing Bill Clinton for the sex scandal in his past. After his speech, ABC News asked him whether Trump's attacks on that part of his history are fair.

"The Republicans have to decide who they want to nominate," he said. "I think there's always attempts to take the election away from the people."


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