As White House calls for his resignation, Adam Schiff to lead new fundraising effort for House Democrats

Schiff: Mueller's report "needs to be made public ASAP"

Amid calls from the Trump White House and Republicans calling for his ouster, California Rep. Adam Schiff will now take on a new role in helping to lead fundraising efforts for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

DCCC Chairwoman Cheri Bustos announced the move, saying Schiff would be serving in a "critically important role" to help Dems secure more seats after flipping the House in the 2018 midterm elections. Bustos said that 44 Democratic members of Congress have been elevated to participate in the DCCC's new "Frontline program," which is being set up as a firewall to defend the new Democratic majority.

The program, according to the DCCC, will help provide resources to Democrats in some of the most competitive seats in the House and give members access to strategic analysis, campaign guidance and fundraising prioritization for their re-election campaigns. 

Schiff said he was "incredibly proud" to work with the DCCC on this effort.

"As the National Frontline Finance Chair for 2020," Schiff said in a statement, "I am determined to harness grassroots energy from across the country to ensure our Frontline members have the resources and support they need to succeed."

Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has been a persistent critic of the Trump administration and Republicans. After special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia report was submitted to the attorney general, White House officials have demanded that he step down as chairman, in light of his repeated and ongoing assertions that the president or his campaign colluded with the Kremlin. Mueller, according to Attorney General William Barr, "did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia" during the 2016 campaign."

On Tuesday, White House adviser Kellyanne Conway slammed Schiff for "peddling lies" about collusion. Minority Whip Steve Scalise meanwhile, blasted his Democratic colleague, saying he believes Schiff has "lost his credibility" and needs to be "held accountable" for misleading the American people. 

"The socialist Democratic caucus has proven itself to be a circus so it's only fitting they would task a clown like Adam Schiff to head up its fundraising efforts," National Republican Congressional Committee communications director Chris Pack said in a statement.  

Schiff, nonetheless, is still planning to lead an expanded probe by the House Intelligence Committee into Mr. Trump's business dealings and potential ties to the Russian government.

Asked about the sudden push by Republicans for him to step aside, Schiff told CBS News' Ed O'Keefe: "I'm used to attacks from the president and his allies in Congress. This is really nothing new and nothing unexpected."


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