Ann Coulter: "Without fat girls, there would be no protests"

Furious anti-Trump protesters clash with police in Portland, Ore.

Trump surrogate Ann Coulter published a series of tweets on Thursday fat shaming street protesters who continue to reject the results of the 2016 presidential election.

Since Trump’s victory, protests have taken place in cities and on campuses across the country, some with flashes of violence. In Portland, about 4,000 protesters convened, shouting “we reject the president-elect” and vandalizing cars and buildings. Police responded with pepper spray and flash banging devices. And in Oakland, California, a few protesters hurled Molotov cocktails, rocks and fireworks at police, injuring three.

Coulter’s comments aren’t inciting the same violence seen from coast to coast, but they are evoking anger by fellow Tweeters:

Trump, for his part, has responded with two different tweets on the topic of the protesters. The first was a complaint accusing the protesters of being professionals -- he tweeted, “Very unfair!”

The next day, though, he was taking the high road, admiring the “passion” of the demonstrators.


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