Alec Baldwin offers to stop Trump impersonation in exchange for tax returns

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is not a fan of Alec Baldwin’s “Saturday Night Live” impersonation of him, but the actor has offered to stop playing Trump. 

If the president-elect releases his tax returns, that is.  

After Trump slammed Saturday’s skit on him, the Alec Baldwin Foundation account responded and said, “Release your tax returns and I’ll stop. Ha.” 

Trump had written, “Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable!” just after midnight on Sunday. “Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse.”

Ironically, Trump was referring to a sketch on Saturday night that made fun of his Twitter presence. 

“There is a reason actually that Donald tweets so much,” said Kate McKinnon, playing Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway in the sketch. “He does it to distract the media from his business conflicts and all the very scary people in his Cabinet.”

It wasn’t the first time Trump complained about “SNL” on Twitter. On Nov. 20, he said that it was a“totally one-sided, biased show - nothing funny at all” and in October, he called an episode teasing the second debate between himself and Hillary Clinton a “hit job.” 


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