Law school to offer "Freddie Gray course" after Baltimore unrest

BALTIMORE - A law school in Baltimore says it will offer a new course examining the unrest in the city following the death of Freddie Gray, who died in police custody earlier this year.

The University of Maryland's Francis King Carey School of Law announced Tuesday it is offering a new course titled, "Freddie Gray's Baltimore: Past, Present, and Moving Forward." The school says the eight-week course will begin in September and be taught by law school faculty members as well as other academics, practicing professionals and elected officials. The school says the course will look at the causes and possible solutions to the unrest.

The course will be open to law school students as well as students at the University of Maryland School of Social Work.

"I think it will help create change," law professor Michael Greenberger told CBS Baltimore. "We expect this will generate a discussion. We don't think the faculty who's teaching this will know all the answers."

Six Baltimore police officers have been charged in the April death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who was fatally injured while in custody. An autopsy report leaked to the Baltimore Sun shows Gray died of a high-impact injury as a result of not being secured in a police transport van.
