A look at possible suspects in Amy Gellert's murder

A look at possible suspects in Amy Gellert's murder

In the more than 20 years since Amy Gellert’s murder outside her home in Cocoa Beach, Florida, there have been a number of men investigated in connection with the case - but the crime remains unsolved.

Here’s what investigators do know based on information provided by Gellert’s mother and step-father, Bunny and Bob Lehton, who were held captive and attacked by the intruder:

  • The stranger was dressed all in black except for white tennis shoes.
  • According to the Lehton’s was average height and weight, and they guessed he was in his 20s.
  • The Lehtons couldn’t get a good look at the intruder because he was wearing a ski mask and gloves -- an oddity and difficult items to obtain in a beach town.
  • The man was Caucasian, and Bunny Lehton is convinced he had an accent similar to what is heard in Maryland or Pennsylvania.

Watch as members of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office homicide share details in the hopes YOU can help them solve the case.


If you have information, please contact:

Brevard County Homicide Unit

  • Phone: (321) 633-8413
  • Email: majorcrimes@bcso.us

Central Florida Crimeline:

  • 1-800-423-TIPS | 1-800-423-8477
  • You can remain anonymous

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