2020 Daily Trail Markers: Democrats rally to Tlaib, Omar over Israel ban

Trump in New Hampshire for 2020 campaign rally

Many Democratic presidential candidates showed disapproval of Israel barring Democrat Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from visiting next week, with some criticizing President Trump for tweeting that the Israeli government "would show great weakness" if it allowed the trips. 

"They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds," the president tweeted about the two lawmakers, who he has clashed with before.

In Iowa, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg said the ban was a "bad approach" for Israel, the U.S. and Palestine, and that America needs "to get to the point where we can be critical of policies we disagree with and also support the U.S.-Israeli alliance."

Omar and Tlaib are vocal critics of the U.S.-Israel alliance, and support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), a movement that looks to sever economic ties between Israel and the rest of the world. 

Both Sen. Kamala Harris of California and billionaire Tom Steyer called the ban an "affront" to America, while Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted, "It is disgusting that a bigot like Trump is attacking [Tlaib] and [Omar] in this way. Opposing [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu's policies is not 'hating the Jewish people.'"

Some candidates said while they they support the Israel-U.S. alliance and disagree with the two lawmakers' views, Tlaib and Omar still should not have been banned. "While I strongly disagree with Rep Tlaib and Rep Omar's support of BDS, I strongly agree that vibrant democracies and great leaders must lift up and put the long term strength of the alliance above partisan talking points," former Rep. John Delaney said in an email statement.

In July, the House approved a non-binding resolution to oppose BDS. CBS News Political Unit Broadcast Associate Aaron Navarro says that of the three currently serving U.S. Representatives running for president, Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii was the only to vote 'Yea.' Meanwhile, Tim Ryan of Ohio and Seth Moulton of Massachusetts abstained from voting on the bill, which passed 398 to 17.  

FROM THE CANDIDATES                       

CORY BOOKER: New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker released a plan to address and combat hate crimes and white supremacist violence Thursday morning, according to CBS News Campaign Reporter Jack Turman

Booker proposes the creation of a White House Office on Hate Crimes and White Supremacist Violence, which calls for federal agencies and community organizations to work together to coordinate the appropriate federal and local response to communities that are impacted. 

Booker introduced this plan after he addressed Emanuel AME church in South Carolina on hate crimes and white nationalism last week. "White supremacy has always been a problem in our American story -- if not always at the surface, then lurking not so far beneath it," Booker said in his speech. 

Booker's plan would also create an external advisory group, consisted of community members and groups affected by hate crimes, to advise the White House and other government agencies in their investigations of hate crimes. Booker also indicated he would work with social media companies to curb hate on social media and online platforms through civil rights audits to promote transparency that are "consistent with the First Amendment." 

The plan also aims to improve the data collection and recording process of hate crimes and mandates the FBI and the Department of Justice to prioritize violent acts "motivated by white supremacy in the same way that they prioritize international terrorism." 

"Dr. King once said that 'It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me.' So in my administration, we will use the full force of the presidency to combat hate crimes and root out white supremacist threats wherever they arise," Booker said in a statement.

JULIÁN CASTRO: Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro on Thursday unveiled his "People's First" Economic Plan for Working Families, which the campaign says would "support working families and ensure the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share."  

Per CBS News Campaign Reporter Tim Perry, the plan includes the creation of a new inherited wealth tax that would "replace the estate and gift taxes with a federal tax on inherited incomes of more than $2 million," the repeal of the 2017 tax cuts, the expansion of the child tax credit to provide $3,000 per child for every family. It would also implement a $15 minimum wage and guarantee "at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave." 

KAMALA HARRIS: California Sen. Kamala Harris on Thursday snagged her tenth Congressional Black Caucus endorsement from Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge. Fudge said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" she believes there's "no one better to make the case against #45." She added, "African American women are the biggest and best voting bloc in the Democratic party. African Americans people of color are going to determine who our nominee is going to be. We are the base. If we support her and we come out, she will win." 

The Harris campaign tells CBS News Campaign Reporter Stephanie Ramirez that the California senator now has more CBC endorsements than any other candidate in the 2020 presidential race.

BETO O'ROURKE: Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke announced plans to return to the campaign trail today after temporarily suspending his campaign in the wake of the El Paso shootings on August 3rd.  In his hometown of El Paso on Thursday, O'Rourke said he would prioritize the communities where Mr. Trump has been "terrorizing, and terrifying and demeaning our fellow Americans." 

CBS News Campaign Reporter Tim Perry says O'Rourke also announced plans to visit Mississippi in the wake of the ICE raids that detained 680 people last week. O'Rourke said, "Anyone that this president puts down, we're going to do our best to lift up."  O'Rourke also doubled down on his calls for a mandatory buyback of assault-style weapons. He said that he had been late to this position because it was not a "politically safe" position to take.

BERNIE SANDERS: Sanders and singer Cardi B sat down at The TEN Nail Bar, a Black women-owned nail salon, in Detroit. Last month, Cardi, 26, reached out to her nearly 50 million Instagram followers asking them for the questions they had for Democratic candidates. 

She asked Sanders, 77, about criminal justice, immigration, "Medicare for All," free college, wages, and more. A video of the event was posted to Sanders social media accounts, If Cardi publishes the video under her name on the same platforms, it could reach a combined 73,932,550 accounts. 

That audience is what Sanders has his eyes on. According to the campaign, Cardi's fans represent the kind of voter Sanders appeals to: young, working-class persons of color. They also believe that the rapper speaks to her audience the same way the senator does. Her blunt, plain spoken demeanor, they say, overlaps with Sanders. Time will tell what the partnership will reap for Sanders, but CBS News Campaign Reporter Cara Korte is told there are intentions for the duo to continue to collaborate in the future.

BILL WELD: Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, who is the only candidate challenging the [resident in the 2020 Republican primary, has spent most of his time campaigning in New Hampshire. CBS News Campaign Reporter Stephanie Ramirez says he's hoping to make a dent in Trump support in the Granite State. With the President in town Thursday, Weld tweeted, "What does @realDonaldTrump do when 52% of Granite Staters disapprove of the job he's doing? He takes a break from golfing and has a rally. Don't think he understands cameo appearances don't cut it in NH."


UP NORTH: President Trump is in New Hampshire on Thursday for his first 2020 campaign stop in the state. Mr. Trump lost New Hampshire in 2016 by fewer than 3,000 votes, a slim 0.4% margin of votes cast. The GOP hopes they can flip the state next year, and the Republican National Committee has told CBS News Campaign Reporter Nicole Sganga it has already recruited over 300 volunteers here. 

But even as popular Republican Gov. Chris Sununu won reelection in last year's midterms, both houses of the state's legislature were taken over by Democrats. Mr. Trump's approval rating is also underwater in the state. According to a University of New Hampshire poll released Tuesday, forty-two percent of New Hampshire residents approve of his performance as president, while 53% disapprove. 

Despite Mr. Trump's low approval rating in the state, Republicans points to the state's economy as a cause for optimism. New Hampshire is currently home to the nation's fourth lowest rate of unemployment, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. 

Republicans are focusing on the state as a presidential battleground as well as a senate pick-up opportunity, according to CBS News Political Unit AP Eleanor Watson. Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen narrowly won her race in 2014, but a 2020 race could look different because she currently has the second highest approval rating of senators up for reelection, according to Morning Consult

A potential candidate will be in attendance at the rally in Manchester Thursday night. Corey Lewandowski, who managed Mr. Trump's campaign until he was fired after the Republican primaries, has told CBS News that he is "seriously considering" a run for Senate. Two Republican candidates have already jumped in – former New Hampshire House Speaker Bill O'Brien and retired Brigadier Gen. Don Bolduc.


AND THEN THERE WERE 23: In a three minute online video, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper announced on Thursday that he is ending his 2020 bid for president. CBS News Campaign Reporter Stephanie Ramirez says he thanked all those who supported and worked on the campaign. 

"I've heard from so many Coloradans who want me to run for the United States Senate. They remind me how much is at stake for our country and our state. I intend to give that some serious thought," said Hickenlooper. The former Denver mayor failed to have a break-out moment in the race and has been facing mounting pressure to run for U.S. Senate in Colorado against Republican incumbent Cory Gardner. Sources close to the campaign confirm Hickenlooper will spend some time mulling his next move.


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