Clinton no longer shying away from dealing the "woman card"

Clinton makes women's issues key part in final days of campaign

Hillary Clinton is not shying away from dealing her Republican challenger the “woman card” as she pulls ahead in the polls, joining a group of women lawmakers to rally around women’s rights and to speak out against Trump.

At the start of the presidential campaign, Hilary Clinton was reluctant to draw too much attention to her gender, to imply that people should vote for her because she is a woman.

But now with two weeks to go, those concerns have largely fallen away as she and her top women supporters call on the sisterhood to see her through, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes.

Women’s issues have become a key part of Clinton’s closing argument.

Clinton looks to boost down-ballot Democrats

“If you believe women and girls should be treated with dignity and respect, and that women should be able to make our own health care decisions and that marriage equality should be protected, then you have to vote,” Clinton said at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire on Monday.

Clinton argued she’d make a great multitasker-in-chief, and campaigned with three women lawmakers, including Senator Elizabeth Warren.

“Get this, Donald. Nasty women are tough,” Warren told the crowd, followed by cheers. “He thinks that because he has a mouth full of Tic Tacs that he can force himself on any woman within groping distance. Well, I’ve got news for you, Donald Trump -- women have had it with guys like you!”

All of Clinton’s top allies are making the same case, like First Lady Michelle Obama.

“Maybe that’s why he demeans and humiliates women as if we’re objects meant solely for pleasure and entertainment,” Mrs. Obama said, stumping for Clinton in Arizona. 

“I think that’s one of those things where if your best friend who worked you know, in the office somewhere, had that video, it would be a problem for him right? And he’s not running for president,” President Obama told Jimmy Kimmel, when asked about Trump’s now infamous “Access Hollywood” tape during a late-night interview. 

The Trump campaign is fighting back by blanketing its rallies with pink “Women for Trump” signs, as Trump tries to will his numbers higher. “I think we’re doing better with women than with men, frankly,” Trump said at a rally in Naples, Florida.

But she’s gained 12 points and Trump’s lost 16 from mid-October among non-college educated white women. 

Clinton is also spending more time campaigning for women. Just in the past three days, Clinton has visited New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, two states where she is comfortably ahead but where two Democratic women are locked in closer races for Senate. 


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