Child porn sweep in Pa. nets 13 arrests

READING, Pa.- Authorities arrested thirteen people after conducting a child pornography investigation in Berks County, about 60 miles southwest of Philadelphia, reports CBS Philly.

Twelve adult men and a 17-year-old boy are facing charges of possessing and distributing thousands of images depicting child sexual abuse, according to the station.

At a press conference, District Attorney John Adams said, "It could ruin their lives, so why they continue to participate in this type of behavior is difficult to comprehend."

The sweep has been going on for the past year and a half, according to the station.

One of the those arrested is a neurologist, while the others include professionals and laborers.

CBS Philly says the DA hopes the arrests last week will send a message to people who still download the pornography.

"We're going to catch you, you are going to get arrested and suffer the consequences," Adams said.

Each of the charges against the suspects carries a maximum seven-year prison sentence.


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