Warming shelters are bracing for this next round of snow

Homeless shelters are getting ready for Sunday’s snow
Homeless shelters are getting ready for Sunday’s snow

MINNEAPOLIS — Preparation was underway at Catholic Charities Dorothy Day Place in St. Paul.

Tatyana Finklea is the Adult Emergency Services Director says providing a warm shelter for the unhoused population is crucial.

"My team has been preparing all day, making sure we have hats, gloves, hand warmers," Finklea said.

Her team has been monitoring weather conditions and made the decision to stay open longer to get those experiencing homelessness into shelter ahead of the snow.

"Many our population that's unsheltered don't have a safe place to go when the weather is bad," Finklea said.

That's why they are keeping buildings open longer until 9 p.m. so people have a warm place to wait for shuttle services to Ramsey County overnight warming shelters.

"We are providing a place for individuals to stay warm and not have to be outside in the snow," Finklea said.

On average 350 people come through the doors daily for each meal, and they expect that number to go up.

Dakota Blom has been experiencing homelessness since December after falling on tough times.

"It is very crucial for the survival of anyone to be indoors during bad weather," he said.

With another winter blast hours away,  he's thankful to have a warm place to sleep.

"It's not good being out there," Blom said. "Having a cot , it's like a Tempur- Pedic to me."

For more information of warming spaces in Ramsey County, click here.

For more information of warming spaces in Hennepin County, click here.

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