Tom Weiler (GOP): 2022 Election Guide

Tom Weiler: 2022 Election Guide

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We reached out to all Minnesota candidates running for U.S Congress this fall, as well as all statewide contests. Candidates were asked to provide a two-minute video discussing their platform as well as answer a set of political questions.

Above is the video 3rd Congressional District candidate Tom Weiler provided. Below are his answers to the questionnaire.

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Do you oppose or support abortion rights?

Our society must care for the most vulnerable among us, including the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly. All human life is dignified and our laws must reflect that truth. I defend life, and will work to protect life from conception until natural death. A truly pro-life America cares for the most vulnerable— not only the unborn, but also the women facing unexpected pregnancies and their children. Women facing unexpected pregnancies deserve our compassion and care. Compassion includes providing resources for prenatal care, adoption options, and paid parental leave. I am pro-life, but I do believe in exceptions in instances of rape, incest, and for the life of the mother.

Do you believe there should term limits be set for members of U.S. Congress? For Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court?

Members of Congress should be limited to 12 years in office, six terms for members of the House and two terms for members of the Senate.  Professional politicians eventually lose their connections with those who they are supposed to be representing.  Professional politicians start to represent the thoughts and desires of DC back to their districts instead of representing the views of their constituents in Congress.    

Members of the Supreme Court should not be subject to term limits. One of the best attributes of our republic is the separation of power between our 3 branches of government.  Of course, it is nowhere close to perfect, but it remains a noble aspiration.  Supreme Court Justices serving life assignments is a critical way to maintain this separation and minimize political influence on Justices.

In the wake of alleged fraud related to COVID relief funds, what needs to be done to continue investigating fraud of this kind and magnitude, and uncover just how much of it occurred?

We must aggressively investigate and hold all those responsible for this fraud accountable to the maximum extent of the law.  Fundamentally, our criminal justice system must refocus on holding those who break laws accountable.  This provides both justice for those who broke the law and deterrence for those who might be the next offenders.

Additionally, our criminal justice system, along with many other aspects of our local, state, and federal government, must move at a speed of relevance.  In the Feeding our Future scandal, were the children that this program was intended to help going hungry?  How much of the $250 million of our tax payer dollars will the government actually recover?  Along with holding those who perpetrated this crime responsible, real-time action against fraud must be prioritized.

Do you believe Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States?

Yes, President Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 Presidential election.

Do you support Biden for Democratic nominee in 2024? Do you support Trump If he seeks the Republican nomination in 2024?

No and No.

Unfortunately, for Minnesotans of the 3rd District and all Americans, President Biden's policies, which Congressman Phillips has supported and voted for 100% of the time, have had bad results.  Where we are today -- with over 8% inflation, rising costs at the gas pump and grocery stores, increasing levels of violent crime, and our kids struggling in school  -- is a result of bad policies of the Biden Administration.

No, I would not support former President Trump if he seeks the Republican nomination in 2024. I support much of the Trump Administration policies, because they had good results for Minnesotans and all Americans, but I believe we need generational change for our next President.

What is responsible for inflation and what steps do you advocate to stabilize and lower soaring prices?

There are multiple causes of the inflation that all Americans are struggling with today.  Clearly, the most significant, and the one our Congress is most in position to address, is the excessive government spending that Congressman Phillips has voted for at every opportunity.  The over $4 trillion explosion of government spending, requested by President Biden and voted for by Congressman Phillips, has simply put too much "free" money into our economy and caused the inflation problems we face today.  I will fight inflation by reining in excessive government spending, work to unleash American energy to regain energy independence, and modify the Jones Act to lower transportation costs of American goods. I will be a check on the failed Biden Administration.  Specifically, I will develop and sponsor legislation to shift to a 2-yr budget cycle that requires Congress to pass a budget on time.  If the budget is not passed, Congressional fundraising activity will be suspended until a budget is passed.

Should politicians be allowed to trade stocks?

No.  Members of Congress gain access to "insider information" on a huge range of issues and should not be allowed to use this information for personal gain. Clearly, this is a problem and should immediately be addressed.  Congressman Phillips, and many other Members of Congress in both parties, have clearly taken advantage of insider information, conducted unethical trades, and have made significant personal gains.  This information is all publicly available at

What is the government's responsibility when it comes to climate change?

The government's responsibility should be to help target and, when necessary, incentivize the private sector to collaborate and work to find responsible, sustainable ways to protect our earth. This can be accomplished through a combination of pragmatic, reasonable initiatives to ensure Americans and American companies are both powered to be successful today, tomorrow, and into the future.  This will also provide leadership to the world on responsibility moving forward to protect our earth.  Today, two of the biggest steps the Biden Administration should take is to stop the regulation war that is being waged on nuclear power, and on American oil and gas companies.  I have operated and deployed on submarines and aircraft carriers throughout the world, both on and below the surface of the ocean, propelled by safe, carbon free, nuclear power.  Any reasonable, thoughtful plan for the future of the American energy grid, which powers our economy, must include nuclear power.  Additionally, the best thing Americans could be doing to significantly reduce the amount of carbon going into our earth's atmosphere would be to increase the production of natural gas and export it to India and China.  This would allow these two countries, in which nearly half of the world's population live, to greatly reduce their reliance on coal plants and shift to much cleaner burning natural gas.

Do you agree with President Biden's plan to forgive $10,000 of student debt for most Americans who have outstanding student loans?

No. President Biden did not forgive any loans, he transferred these loans to all American tax payers, including seniors on fixed incomes and those who either decided not to incur college debts and those who have already paid off their debts.  This loan transfer will also contribute to even higher inflation by pumping more "free" money into our economy and does nothing to address the real problem with college education's sky-rocketing costs.

Do you believe there should be laws enacted to put limits or ban automatic weapons sales in the U.S.?  

Yes.  The sale of automatic weapons should be banned in the U.S. I support common sense measures to prevent gun violence in Minnesota and America. The increasing incidents of violence in schools, malls and other public venues must be addressed with urgency. Congress must lead America and its students to a safer future.  I support placing law enforcement in every school in the district, universal background checks for all gun purchases, and prioritize removing illegal guns from the streets and from the hands of criminals.

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