Talking Points: Rep. Omar ousted from Foreign Affairs Committee, vows that she won’t be silenced

Talking Points: Rep. Omar ousted from Foreign Affairs Committee, vows that she won’t be silenced

MINNEAPOLIS -- Since Rep. Ilhan Omar was elected to Congress in 2018, she has been the center of a number of controversies.

In this week's Talking Points, Esme Murphy looks at the latest controversy and what Omar has to say.

In a straight-line party vote, House Republicans kicked Omar off the prestigious Foreign Affairs Committee. The stated reason: remarks she made four years ago that were widely seen as antisemitic.

Omar apologized "unequivocally" for the remarks and has worked to rebuild relationships with Jewish members of Congress, including Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips.

But in hyper-partisan Washington, controversies don't die easily. Republicans fumed when then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi removed two Republican representatives -- Paul Gossar and Marjorie Tayler Greene -- from committees for comments and alleged support of violence against Democratic colleagues.

RELATED: House Republicans vote to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from committee

Then Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy vowed Omar would be targeted when he became speaker, which is exactly what happened.

At first, a handful of Republicans hesitated, but later decided to join their colleagues in voting Omar off the committee.

Minnesota Sixth District Congressman Tom Emmer is now the Republican majority whip charged with successfully rounding up votes for the majority.

"There is no debate that Ilhan Omar, the face of antisemitism in the Democrat Party, has no place representing American interests on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Ms. Omar is an embarrassment to Minnesota and our country," Emmer said.  

Rep. Ilhan Omar CBS

Omar was a guest on WCCO Sunday Morning.

"What can I say about Emmer, this is a really weak man, someone who is in leadership of a caucus that is run by QAnon supporters and conspiracy theorists," Omar said. "You also have to remember Emmer represents a huge Somali community here in Minnesota. When Trump came to Minnesota and said Somalis were infiltrating our community, Emmer did not have the strength to stand up for his constituents and fellow Minnesotans."

Omar is keeping her seat on the House Education and Labor Committee and Democratic leadership is appointing her to the prestigious Budget Committee.

Omar is promising she will not be silenced and that her voice will only get louder and stronger.

While the Republican vote to oust Omar was unanimous, two GOP representatives were overheard voicing concerns afterwards.

Foreign Affairs Committee member Ken Buck called the vote "the stupidest in the world," and Rep. Mike Simpson said the vote would turn Omar into a "martyr."

You can watch WCCO Sunday Mornings with Esme Murphy and Joseph Dames every Sunday at 6 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

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