Stop and smell the really: Minneapolis home blossoms with magnificent tulips

Minneapolis home is in full bloom, painting the intersection with bright tulips

MINNEAPOLIS — Like Mother Nature's magnet, a sea of spring colors outside a corner house is drawing people in.

"I mean look at it. It's just beautiful," said Bernadette as she looked out over a huge garden of tulips. "I had an appointment over at Abbott (Northwestern Hospital) and we were driving by and I'm like, 'Oh my gosh, look at all these beautiful flowers'."

"I saw it online, and I've always loved little tulip patches, but I've never seen anything quite this large," said Drew Kincade.

The tulips are truly photo-worthy. Drivers rolled down their windows for a quick cell phone shot. Others brought professional cameras with long lenses. Kincade brought a quirky contraption, a Nickelodeon PhotoBlaster, which puts four images into one frame of film. It looks more like a kid's toy, but it's good enough to capture the beauty blooming on the corner of South Humboldt Avenue and West 25th Street.

No matter how someone chooses to experience the bright sight, all are welcome. A sign in the garden reads, "DO! Touch, see, smell." 

It's hard to imagine a person doing some nefarious to the garden, but there's one group the homeowner is concerned about: squirrels. To distract the rodents who enjoy eating tulip bulbs, the nearby light pole is adorned with squirrel ornaments wearing funny costumes. 

"That's smart, this keeps the tulips safe," said Kincade while laughing at the savvy squirrel sanctuary. 

Keeping hungry animals at bay along with April rain showers have helped the garden breathe life into the season.

"It just makes you feel like spring is here. Blue skies. You couldn't ask for anything better," said Bernadette. "Minnesota is rewarding us," added Kincade. "And these homeowners as well. Thank you to them. It's awesome."

The home address is 2444 S. Humboldt Avenue.

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