Steve Patterson (Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party): 2022 Election Guide

Steve Patterson: 2022 Election Guide

Welcome to's 2022 Election Guide!

We reached out to all Minnesota candidates running for U.S Congress this fall, as well as all statewide contests. Candidates were asked to provide a two-minute video discussing their platform as well as answer a set of political questions.

Above is the video Minnesota governor candidate Steve Patterson provided. Below are his answers to the questionnaire.

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What are three pieces of your agenda you'd like to accomplish first if elected?

I want to enforce medical freedom by making sure that vaccines are not mandated and that abortions remain legal, I want to legalize Marijuana, I want to protect small businesses. 

Do you agree with the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade? What is the future of abortion rights in Minnesota? Should the MN legislature restrict abortion access for women who live outside the state?

I agree with the decision to overturn it because I think that States should be able to make their own rules. I think that the citizens of Minnesota historically have supported the women's right to choose, and I think that will remain the same, I am  pro-choice individual because there are always extreme examples that we can reference that  suggest that abortion should not be  illegal. 

Recent studies show Minnesota students' test scores in math and reading in a decline. What are your commitments when it comes to education in Minnesota?

Test numbers are in a decline because schools are underfunded. I plan to use the money from legalizing and taxing marijuana to close the equity gap in schools and give every kid a fair chance at a great education. 

In the wake of alleged fraud related to COVID relief funds, what needs to be done to continue investigating fraud of this kind and magnitude, and uncover just how much of it occurred?

Fraud has always been an issue in media picked career politicians. We need a new breed of politician that acts based on their own morals rather than the demands of the corporation that fund them. 

Is less than $500 in "hero pay" an appropriate compensation for frontline workers?

Free money is socialism training. I do not believe in giving people more than what they normally make to stay home, that was reckless and irresponsible spending. The reason the checks were only $500 is because Tim Walz wanted most Minnesotans to give them to encourage them to vote for him. Most Minnesotans didn't work throughout the entirety of the pandemic. Tim decided that anyone that was on  unemployment benefits for 20 consecutive weeks or less qualified for the checks. Free money is always a bad idea, but if you are going to reward the people who worked through the pandemic, you should not also reward the people that already got unemployment benefits. 

Do you believe Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States?

As a person running a genuine, transparent, and authentic campaign, it is not on my radar to accuse someone else of not legitimately winning an election. 

What do you think is responsible for rising violent crime? What do you think should be done to combat violent crime?

I think we have moved an incredibly dangerous direction by undermining the authority of our law enforcement. Law enforcement jobs are not being filled because of the stigma of being a police officer. One thing we could do would be to legalize Marijuana to eliminate unnecessary stress between citizens and law enforcement. It is important to remember that law enforcement officers do not choose the laws, they simply enforce them, it is time to put pressure on the politicians and elect people who represent the citizens and not outdated unnecessary laws. We must cherish our Police officers while also holding them to the highest standard to serve and protect. 

What is your position on ecological sustainability when it comes to energy, industry and agriculture?

We should always be looking for new ways to become more efficient, more pollution conscious, and more cost effective. That being said, we should not create laws banning our current ways of doing things until we come up with better solutions. If electric vehicles were truly better for the environment, reliable ,and affordable, the government wouldn't have to beg people to transition to them. 

What is the government's responsibility when it comes to climate change?

Minnesota is not comparable to some of the worse states when it comes to pollution, but we should always try to make our environment better. We should do research on renewable energy, plant trees, and be responsible when it comes to pollution. 

In the wake of COVID-19, what would you have the state do to prepare for potential future pandemics?

There is a very real connection between stress and illness. I would educate people on how to cope with stressors and not eliminate coping mechanisms such as going to a fitness center or spending time with family. Lack of control creates stress. ]Stress creates illness, lowers the immune system, and changes the way we eat, sleep and exercise. We need to make sure that we are promoting healthy immune systems to protect ourselves. 

Do you support the full legalization of marijuana? What are your thoughts on decriminalizing drug use?

I am pro weed as the Grassroots Legalize Cannabis Party Candidate. I would not decriminalize all drugs, but marijuana has shown to have some medical benefits. If you can go to the doctor to get it, but it's illegal to grow it on your own, it's not about safety, it's about money and control. 

What should be done with the state's $9.2 billion surplus?

We should give tax breaks to the small businesses, especially those who were forced to close during COVID-19, and we should close the equity gap in schools. Funding is always an issue with schools, rather than increasing property taxes, let's use the money we have to help schools. 

Minnesota is one of 13 states that taxes retirees' Social Security income. Should that tax policy continue?

We should not tax social security income. 

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