State Rep. Candidate Apologizes For 'Inflammatory Rhetoric' At Black Lives Matter Protest In Hugo

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- A DFL candidate for the State House of Representatives is apologizing for the words he used during a Black Lives Matter protest on Saturday.

John Thompson spoke outside the Hugo home Minneapolis Police Federation President Bob Kroll shares with Liz Collin, an employee of WCCO.

"Come on over here with your 'Blue Lives Matter' sign. Blue live ain't s---, and if people in Hugo don't support black people, f--- Hugo," Thompson said.

Thompson wore a "Bob Kroll Must Go" T-shirt as he disparaged Hugo and shouted profanities at neighbors who supported police. Thompson is running to represent St. Paul's district 67A.

Video of the event was captured by a number of local media outlets.

WATCH: Video Shows Thompson's Comments At Hugo Protest [Warning: Strong Language.]

Protest from outside the house of Bob Kroll, President of Minneapolis Police Union by Unicorn Riot on YouTube

Minnesota Republicans said the comments and radical actions of Democrats were "reprehensible."

On Facebook, Thompson apologized, saying: "I want to make a positive difference, and my comments on Saturday were not helpful. Inflammatory rhetoric is not how I want to address the important issues we're facing, and I apologize."

State DFL leader Ken Martin also weighed in, saying, "I'm grateful for the work John is doing to combat systemic racism, and I'm glad that he recognizes yesterday's rhetoric was inflammatory."

During the Black Lives Matter protest, activists smashed piñata effigies of Kroll and Collin, calling for them both to lose their jobs. WCCO has said previously that Collin does not report on Minneapolis police and police union issues to avoid any potential conflict of interest. That continues to be the case.

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