GOP-Endorsed Governor Candidate Scott Jensen Says Previous Gun Control Support Was 'Klutzy'

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- One of the main issues in statewide and local races this fall will be violent crime and gun violence.

Saturday night, newly-nominated Republican candidate for governor Dr. Scott Jensen apologized to delegates for once being on the wrong side of the gun control issue.

Back in 2017, Jensen was a first-time senator from Chaska. He stunned his Republican colleagues that year by being the co-author on two gun control measures. The first required universal background checks for gun sales and transfers and the second made it illegal for a gunowner to not report to police if a gun is stolen from them.

Back then, Jensen said these measures just made sense. But since them, Jensen has done a 180 and is against both those policies. Critics within his own party have criticized him for flip-flopping on the issue in order to win the GOP nomination.

Jensen was a guest on WCCO Sunday morning.

"My effort in 2018 was klutzy," he said. "It was born of a rookie's, non-veteran understanding of how things work, and so I apologized to the group. I put them in a place that made them uncomfortable and it was a mistake. I wish, if I had a mulligan I would have done it over."

Neither of those measures Jensen supported in 2017 passed the legislature. Jensen is both a gun owner and a member of the National Rifle Association. Gov. Tim Walz is a supporter of universal background checks.

EXTENDED VIDEO: Esme Murphy was joined by political analyst Abou Amara and former Minnesota Senate majority leader Amy Koch. They discussed what Jensen's nomination means for the campaign ahead. Watch below.

You can watch WCCO Sunday morning every Sunday at 6 a.m., 7 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

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