Astronomers spot hot gas bubble spinning at "mind blowing" speeds around Milky Way black hole

First images of Milky Way’s black hole released

Astronomers said Thursday they have spotted a hot bubble of gas spinning clockwise around the black hole at the center of our galaxy at "mind blowing" speeds. The detection of the bubble, which only survived for a few hours, is hoped to provide insight into how these invisible, insatiable, galactic monsters work.

The supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* lurks in the middle of the Milky Way some 27,000 light years from Earth, and its immense pull gives our home galaxy its characteristic swirl.

The first-ever image of Sagittarius A* was revealed in May by the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, which links radio dishes around the world aiming to detect light as it disappears into the maw of black holes.

One of those dishes, the ALMA radio telescope in Chile's Andes mountains, picked up something "really puzzling" in the Sagittarius A* data, said Maciek Wielgus, an astrophysicist at Germany's Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy.

This is the first image of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. It was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope, an array which linked together eight existing radio observatories across the planet to form a single "Earth-sized" virtual telescope. Although we cannot see the event horizon itself, we can see light bent by the powerful gravity of the black hole. Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

Just minutes before ALMA's radio data collection began, the Chandra Space Telescope observed a "huge spike" in X-rays, Wielgus told AFP.

This burst of energy, thought to be similar to solar flares on the sun, sent a hot bubble of gas swirling around the black hole, according to a new study published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The gas bubble, also known as a hot spot, had an orbit similar to Mercury's trip around the sun, the study's lead author Wielgus said.

But while it takes Mercury 88 days to make that trip, the bubble did it in just 70 minutes. That means it traveled at around 30 percent of the speed of light.

"So it's an absolutely, ridiculously fast-spinning bubble," Wielgus said, calling it "mind blowing."

The scientists were able to track the bubble through their data for around one and half hours -- it was unlikely to have survived more than a couple of orbits before being destroyed.

Wielgus said the observation supported a theory known as MAD. "MAD like crazy, but also MAD like magnetically arrested discs," he said.

The phenomenon is thought to happen when there is such a strong magnetic field at the mouth of a black hole that it stops material from being sucked inside.

But the matter keeps piling up, building up to a "flux eruption", Wielgus said, which snaps the magnetic fields and causes a burst of energy.

By learning how these magnetic fields work, scientists hope to build a model of the forces that control black holes, which remain shrouded in mystery.

Magnetic fields could also help indicate how fast black holes spin -- which could be particularly interesting for Sagittarius A*.

While Sagittarius A* is four million times the mass of our sun, it only shines with the power of about 100 suns, "which is extremely unimpressive for a supermassive black hole," Wielgus said.

"It's the weakest supermassive black hole that we've seen in the universe -- we've only seen it because it is very close to us."

But it is probably a good thing that our galaxy has a "starving black hole" at its center, Wielgus said.

"Living next to a quasar," which can shine with the power of billions of suns, "would be a terrible thing," he added.

By definition, black holes cannot be directly observed because nothing, not even light, can escape the crushing inward force of their titanic gravity.

But their presence can be indirectly detected by observing the effects of that gravity on the trajectories of nearby stars and by the radiation emitted across the electromagnetic spectrum by material heated to extreme temperatures as it's sucked into a rapidly rotating "accretion disk" and then into the hole itself.

A major objective of the new James Webb Space Telescope is to help astronomers chart the formation and growth of such black holes in the aftermath of the Big Bang.

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