Ryan Wilson (GOP): 2022 Election Guide

Ryan Wilson: 2022 Election Guide

Welcome to WCCO.com's 2022 Election Guide!

We reached out to all Minnesota candidates running for U.S Congress this fall, as well as all statewide contests. Candidates were asked to provide a two-minute video discussing their platform as well as answer a set of political questions.

Above is the video State Auditor candidate Ryan Wilson provided. Below are the answers he provided.

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In the wake of alleged fraud related to COVID relief funds, what needs to be done to continue investigating fraud of this kind and magnitude, and uncover just how much of it occurred?

Minnesota has historically been known as a good governance state and we take pride in providing support services to the neediest among us. When Minnesotans' good nature is taken advantage of, our government officials, and especially our State Auditor, owe Minnesotans an explanation on how it happened and a plan for how it won't happen again.

Minnesota made national news years ago with the daycare fraud scandal and Feeding Our Future is a repeat of that. Fraudsters become empowered when they realize that there is a lack of internal control over government spending.

The State Auditor should take a leadership role and use all of the tools of the office to root out waste, fraud, and abuse of tax dollars. The State Auditor has direct jurisdiction over counties, cities, and school districts, including non-profits that contract with those local governments. As State Auditor I will work to ensure that there is integrity in our safety-net programs at all levels of government.

What's one area in Minnesota that you regard as underfunded?

As State Auditor, I will modernize the office by using best practices from around country and new technologies to identify fraud and waste. I will empower decision makers at all levels of government by working with the Legislature to fund a program to bring performance audits – which are common in other states but not utilized by the current State Auditor – to help local officials evaluate not only whether their funds are accurately accounted for, but whether the programs that used those funds achieved their goals and were an effective use of tax dollars.

I founded and led a Minnesota-based auditing company that audited medical device companies. We used the latest technologies to catch issues early so we could prevent them from becoming bigger issues. Our audits determined whether a lifesaving medical device would be approved by the FDA. I want to bring my experiences running an auditing firm to the office of state auditor.

What is the state auditor's role in oversight of how COVID-19 relief money was spent?

Minnesota received approximately $73 billion from the federal government related to the COVID-19 pandemic, much of which was dedicated for local governments. The State Auditor has direct jurisdiction over those local governments and should play a proactive role in ensuring that money went to its intended use. Given the massive opportunities for fraud, some of which we've already seen, it is essential that the State Auditor provide oversight of COVID relief funding to ensure that money is not being wasted or stolen. The State Auditor should also articulate to Minnesotans where and how COVID relief funding was spent. This was an unprecedented time in history, with an unprecedented amount of spending, and Minnesotans want to know where the money was spent – whether it made it to schools to help them stay open and to help remedy pandemic-related learning loss, to nursing homes to stay safe and protect our elderly, and to our businesses to help them survive the pandemic challenges. I will bring visibility, transparency, and ultimately accountability to COVID-19 relief spending.

Do you believe Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States?

Yes. It was a fair election and Joe Biden is our president. Minnesotans take pride in their elections. We have a history of high voter turnout and an engaged electorate. For example, I was a volunteer poll watcher during the 2020 election. I didn't know if I was watching Republican or Democrat votes being cast; I was there to help bring transparency for all voters, regardless of party. The more people that participate in the election process, the better that process is for all Minnesotans. Voters spoke in 2020 and elected Joe Biden, and voters are eager to have their voices heard in 2022.

Should politicians be allowed to trade stocks?

No elected office holder should be able to leverage their position to personally benefit from stock market investments or any investment. Citizens need to be able to trust that their elected officials are working for the best interests of the public and not for their own personal gain. I support any measure that would limit or remove the ability for politicians to profit from their elected positions.

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